Saturday, November 19, 2011

Herbal Tablets - Kudzu?

I have had a bit of a dull complexion lately and been fatigued. My Pharmacist has recommended takign Kudzu supplements, in addition to my vitamins. He said it will clean my system from within and help my internal health, thus in term promoting healthy outward appearance. When researching Kudzu however, I cannot find this linked to it. From what I understand, it is good for migranes, alcohol cravings, blood sugar problems and the such…nothing he mentioned. Can anyone else help?

Herbal Tablets - Kudzu?
Kudzu will not help a dull complexion or fatigue. Kudzu is primarily used to treat alcoholism. In the United Stated Kudzu root extract has been used for high blood pressure associated with a high salt intake and type 2 diabetes. In traditional Chinese medicine it has been used to treat fever, headache, muscle cramps, and menopausal symptoms. The side effects of Kudzu are listed as breathing problems or tightness in your chest or throat, chest pain, and skin hives, rash, or itchy or swollen skin. Doesn't sound so promising for a dull complexion!

Type in your search bar "health benefits of kudzu" and read through the listed sites to better inform yourself. Maybe your pharmacist should do a bit more research before telling someone to take something that could potentially harm you!
Reply:In Chinese medicine, Kudzu is sometimes used to induce sweating, which is a type of cleansing. Some more commonly known herbs (diaphoretics) used for this are Lemon Balm (relaxing), Cayenne (energizing), Ginger (stomach upset), Pleurisy root (lungs sluggish) and the all-purpose Yarrow.

If you have reason to believe your liver is congested or toxic, Kudzu might be a good choice.
Reply:Kudzu is good for a lot of health problems as you have noted and is also supposed to be a good internal cleanser and detoxifier.

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