Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quiting alcohol?

hi i managed a week not drinking but went back to drinking thought it was allright to drink im drinking on efexor and noticed a shift in my mood its just to boredom gets to me last time i tried to quit my family were very suportive but not so much this time around but im going to start again i got some kudzu but havent tried it yet i just need some inspiration

Quiting alcohol?
There's more to it than just stopping. AA can and has been a lifesaver for thousands, if not millions.

Don't be alone in your efforts. Call AA.
Reply:you could go to a doctor and he can give you a benzo or an antidepressent that is used off-label to help people quit alcohol.

surround yourself with people who are supportive of your recovery.

talk to your family and friends honestly about how your alcohol use has affected them (probably negatively), and be open to what they have to say.

take up some fun hobbies to avoid boredom.

go to a support group or AA meeting.

Hang in there!! Something that helps me (recovering from alcohol and benzos) is to say to myself "What is the worst thing that will happen if I DON"T take that drink? I'll be exactly where I am now! And I shouldn't feel sorry for myself to justify drinking if I am in a bad mood."
Reply:Been there.

The obvious answer is to just stop - that is what most people will advise...but

The best thing to do is get a routine - one that keeps your day busy. If you do plan to have a drink, give yourself a limit and stick to it. Try a couple of drinks as a nightcap and go straight to bed.

And no cheating.
Reply:first u have to understand the root cause of this problem y u drink..just sit down and write down all the possible cause for it and than put it aside and read it next day and analyse r they really a cause? and stop thinking that u have to leave it cuz if u keep on forcing yourself than u will not able to leave it cuz it will alws remind of alcohol!!! just understand the root cause of it than it will automatically go u dont have to leave it...it will go itself..
Reply:You could go to a hypnotherapist - they can stop you from drinking in one or more sessions. Or, set a daily limit to yourself, keep to that limit. You have to be strong-willed in this situation! Good Luck!!
Reply:I hope my advise works but i see what your problem is. You can't quit cold turkey, you need to ease it out. If your an alcoholic then try and drink less alcohol each day and then eventually you can get used to drinking 1 glass a day then maybe try 1-3 glasses a week. Not big glasses, small glasses or normal sized ones. Try and tell yourself that you are doing this for you and your family. Drinking too much alcohol can damage your liver and give you liver disease.

I hope my advise works. Merry Xmas

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