Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Should exotic species of animals and plants be banned?

i saw a TV show today about pythons and monitor lizards in the everglades. they are wreaking havoc. pet owners get tired of them and release them into the wild. some exotic plants are put into peoples yards. birds, spread their seeds everywhere. where i live , we have kudzu, fire ants, tropical soda apple, codon grass, smutgrass, , just to name a few. they are all problem species. should congress ban exotic species and remove all exotic plants and animals form peoples yards, and end the sale of them?

Should exotic species of animals and plants be banned?
Yes, that would be a great idea. However, it would be a little trickier to get rid of all the exotic species that have already spread into the environment.

Buffle grass has spread in many areas of the Southwest where it chokes out every other plant around them. They are so efficient at sucking water out of the ground that there is nothing left for anything else. All the native species die. It's really hard to get rid of hundreds of square miles of a plant or animal species that kills everything it touches.

That's the problem with all these exotics that have spread. It would take thousands of people, hundreds of tons of pesticide. You get the idea.

Contact an organization that might have ideas for getting rid of these such as World Wildlife Fund, National Wildlife Federation, The Nature Conservancy, or any other group that you feel might be interested in this problem.
Reply:This issue is pretty serious and it could be very dangerous to the environments but I think completely banning them is not nessecary. However, there should be very specific laws. Some species should not even be exported period.

there are some positive impacts from exporting species. For example, some species in their natural habitat is near extinct but with a solid research they could be safe in a new home.
Reply:Should people be banned as they give harm to other species of animals and plants?

Unfortunately, thousand of species were banned and as long as human exists in this world they will always be. We have never achieved to live in natural environment and never will be. So let it be-ban all the animals and plants until we start to ban eachother. uppps,this has already happened, hasn't it

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